Eradicate Self-Sabotage and See Sales Soar

For bankers in competitive local markets, excelling in sales isn’t just a goal—it’s a non-negotiable.


It is especially difficult when salespeople with revenue goals unconsciously engage in self-sabotage. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a surprising number of sales professionals have a negative mindset—believing that they are incapable of advancing, lack innate sales talent, etc. According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has 12,000-60,000 thoughts per day, and 80% are negative.


So how can you eradicate your own self-defeating thoughts and habits? How can you take responsibility with some actionable strategies to shift your mindset and unleash your potential?  Try these proven tips:


  • Develop Self-awareness: Pay attention to your inner dialogue. What’s the first thing you say to yourself when you wake up? If it’s negative, pause. Replace limiting beliefs like, “I’ll never close that deal,” with affirmations such as, “I am capable and resourceful.” Better yet, write down your wins after every successful interaction. Success breeds confidence, and confidence will silence self-doubt.
  • Know Your Why: A meaningful purpose—such as early retirement, or financing two daughters’ back-to-back weddings—will help energize and focus you, even during rough spots.
  • Elevate Your Culture: For managers, fostering a positive culture is critical. About 75% of employees could be swayed. Lead authentically, create purpose, and communicate clear goals to inspire your team. Prioritize their growth, and they’ll feel compelled to go all in.
  • Master Your Schedule: Big goals require big discipline. Start by reverse-engineering your revenue targets. How many calls, proposals, or meetings must you complete daily to hit your numbers? Map it out, block your calendar, and hold yourself accountable. Remember: what gets scheduled gets done.
  • Prioritize with Intention: Block out your calendar to ensure that you consistently complete every non-negotiable activity before the work day ends, and mark important activities in green (for money) to reinforce their high priority.
  • Celebrate the Small Wins: When you divide your year into quarters with smaller, more manageable short-term goals, you’ll give yourself many chances to celebrate new milestones, which will drive even more achievements.
  • Find a Role Model: Identify the sales leaders you most admire and request a chance to observe them at work. From building client relationships to getting to yes, you’ll add to your own skillset.
  • Build Trust with Clients: Sales isn’t just about transactions; it’s about relationships. Your clients are entrusting you with their financial well-being. Every time you honor a promise, you strengthen that trust—and sticky, loyal relationships are your reward.

When you follow these tips, you’ll watch self-doubt fade into the background. As you adopt this mindset of responsibility, you’ll find the courage to rewrite your story—one win, one positive thought, and one breakthrough at a time.


You are responsible for your success. Own it.


Casey Cunningham is the CEO and founder of XINNIX, a premier leadership and sales performance company. For more information, call 678-325-3500 or email to schedule a meeting.


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